Xinjiang profile
Provides an overview of Xinjiang, including key dates and facts about this autonomous region of China.
2023-08-25 23:53
St Kitts and Nevis country profile
Provides an overview of St Kitts and Nevis, including key facts about this Caribbean nation.
2023-08-25 21:52
This is how stress affects different parts of the body
The increased focus on mental health in the last few years has seen more and more people turning to things like mindfulness, meditation and talking therapies to cope with stress. While these techniques can be very effective, it’s important to remember that stress isn’t ‘all in your head’ – it can have a serious physical impact as well. “Stress is how you feel and respond when life puts you under a lot of pressure,” says Dr Luke Powles, associate clinical director at Bupa Health Clinics. “A certain amount of stress can be positive, as it can help you prepare for challenges and respond to them,” Powles adds. “But too much stress, especially over a long period of time, can cause both mental and physical problems.” That’s why it’s vital to look at the sources of stress in your life and be aware of both the short and long-term symptoms. Here’s how stress can affect different parts of the body… Heart and lungs A sudden surge of stress can make you feel like you’ve just run up several flights of stairs. “Immediately, you’re going to get an increase in your heart rate, with that almost panic attack or anxiety-like feeling,” says Dr Alka Patel, aka the Health Hacktivation Doctor. “Your breathing rate is going to speed up as well, because you’re trying to oxygenate your blood.” That’s also why you might get sweaty palms or pits: “You get vasodilatation of your blood vessels – you’re basically trying to increase blood flow to your body, so sweating is a very immediate phenomenon for most people.” Stressful situations can raise your blood pressure temporarily too, Powell says: “If you’re stressed over a long time, you could possibly develop long-term high blood pressure.” The link between stress and heart disease is mitigated by other factors. “Stress may not directly cause coronary heart disease, such as a heart attack or stroke and cholesterol,” says Powell. “But if you smoke, drink, or eat more to cope with stress, you increase your risk of these. Stress may also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.” Doctors also warn about heart rate variability (HRV), meaning the variation in the pauses between heartbeats. “You want a high HRV because you want to be adaptable,” Patel explains. “When you’re under chronic stress your HRV starts to drop, and that tells you that you’re not resilient in the face of stress.” Stomach and gut Feeling too anxious to eat? Or craving carbs when you’re under pressure? “You’re releasing this surge of cortisol, the stress hormone, very quickly, which is then trying to get as much sugar and fuel on board,” Patel explains. “A lot of people will then either notice the hunger response: ‘I’ve got to eat lunch to manage my stress’. Or you notice the dip, which is: ‘I don’t want to eat, I can’t eat anything else’.” You might experience digestive issues as well, she continues: “With an immediate stress reaction, everything else in your body has to stop. This means you can start to get those symptoms of diarrhoea, upset stomach, that kind of thing, because all of those digestive processes have to have to halt in order to manage your stress.” There are also some links between chronic stress and certain illnesses, including digestive complaints. “If you have a pre-existing health condition, stress could make it worse, or flare up,” says Powell. “Examples of conditions that can be aggravated by stress include irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, asthma and psoriasis.” Muscles A surge of stress can cause muscle spasms called fasciculation and tension in the cervical muscles of the neck, which might lead to a headache. “People don’t necessarily associate headaches with muscles, but you can get spasms in your upper neck muscles and shoulders,” Patel says. “You feel the tension in the muscles going over your scalp – and that’s why we call these tension headaches.” Teeth and mouth Stress can also harm your oral health, which should be dealt with by a dentist. “Teeth grinding (bruxism) is often linked to stress, but lots of people aren’t aware they have the condition because it happens in their sleep,” says Powell. “Symptoms include headaches, earache, stiffness and pain in the jaw or mouth; teeth which are breaking or look worn down; and facial swelling.” Inflammageing A hot topic among longevity specialists in recent years, ‘inflammageing’ means chronic inflammation that has a damaging effect and is caused by a variety of diet and lifestyle factors. “Stress accelerates ageing, and then there’s a whole cascade of stuff that goes on as a result of that,” says Patel. “[It affects] your immune response, the communication between your cells, muscle function and your bones.”
2023-08-25 21:28
St Vincent and the Grenadines country profile
An overview of St Vincent and the Grenadines, including key facts about this Caribbean nation.
2023-08-25 19:58
This baby gorilla almost died before a zookeeper held him close. Now he has a new adoptive mom
In many ways, raising a baby gorilla is very similar to nurturing human newborns, says Chad Staples, a father of four and the director of Mogo Wildlife Park, a small private zoo in the town of the same name on Australia's southeastern coast.
2023-08-25 18:49
4 hacks to get teens off the sofa and get active – as study warns of heart damage
The amount of screen time teenagers get is a worry to lots of parents. And, it turns out, the health impacts of being inside and staring at a screen for long periods of time can have a serious impact on a young person’s physical health later in life. According to new research, parents should limit the amount of time children spend on social media and video games after a study found inactive teenagers are more likely to have signs of heart damage as young adults. A child may appear healthy but, even children who have a normal weight were still at risk, the study of 766 British youngsters found, after tracking them for 13 years. Academics involved in the research, which is to be published at the ESC Congress in Amsterdam, said that this heart damage could be setting the stage for heart attacks and strokes in later life. So, how can we get teens up, away from their phones and out of the house? 1. Encourage them to destress Teens may take to their screens to distract themselves from day-to-day life, watch TikToks, or aimlessly scroll – which they may see this as a form of relaxation. It might be helpful to frame exercise in the same way for stressed teens. “Young people today are facing many stress factors in their daily lives and exercise can be an important mechanism to cope and overcome such difficulties,” says Dr Triveni Joshi, consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist for Cygnet Health Care. Reiterate the benefits of exercise for their mental wellbeing too. “When you exercise, your body produces dopamine and endorphins in your brain that help you to feel good. Exercise can have a direct impact on improving mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and low mood,” she says. “Plus, exercise can give you a real sense of accomplishment and pride at having achieved a goal, thereby improving self-esteem and confidence.” Celebrate the accomplishment of just getting out and being healthy for positive reinforcement. 2. Suggest things that interest them “There is always an activity that can suit somebody,” says Joshi.”There is a range of opportunities for physical activity such as gardening, walking groups, Zumba, dancing, pilates, or swimming.” Sports like weightlifting and running are big on social media and “can improve confidence levels and tackle low self-esteem.” While being on social media may stop them from getting out, pointing towards creators who promote a healthier lifestyle may help them in the long run. Perhaps they can pair their on-screen interests and favourite creators with physical experiences. “Exercise should always be fun so often it is about finding where their interests lie and incorporating that into a healthy regime,” Joshi explains. 3. Talk to them about why they don’t want to exercise There may be a reason why your teen isn’t eager to get up and about you don’t know about, and having an open discussion may help them feel more comfortable, and build a closer bond with you. “With other pressures in their lives they may feel tired and lack the motivation to get active,” Joshi says. “A lot can depend on personality type too. Introverted children may feel shy, embarrassed, or too concerned about judgements to take part in physical activity. It might not pique their interest or they may feel it is something they aren’t skilful at and therefore don’t have the motivation for fear of not being good at something.” Getting to the bottom of why they won’t exercise may help them feel more empowered to do so, particularly if you can relate to one another and take on this challenge together. 4. Set a good example So much of our relationship with exercise is rooted in our childhood, so try to “encourage children to be active by setting the right example and being active yourself”, says Joshi. If you complain about exercise and are on your screen all the time, it sends the message that it’s normal. In trying to set a good example, you may find something you love to do together, like a specific yoga class, workout or weekly ParkRun. Read More Former royal chef explains why Prince William and Kate’s children don’t eat with them ‘You think it’s going to be a money making machine’: How modern life killed the hobby High infidelity: why do people have affairs? Why are wellbeing experts concerned about the ‘lazy girl job’ trend? Almost half of parents have ‘no idea’ how people raised children before smartphones ‘Overwhelmed’ Jennifer Lopez celebrates one-year anniversary to Ben Affleck
2023-08-25 16:29
How to protect your kids and yourself from back-to-school colds
While your child may be excited about returning to school this September, there’s also a little anxiety about the one thing that can put a spanner in the works: a cold. As Dr Dave Nichols, of MyHealthChecked, an at-home wellness testing company, puts it: “The return to school following the summer holidays often coincides with a rise in a number of respiratory illnesses, including the common cold.” Common symptoms include a cough, sore throat, nasal irritation, nasal discharge (rhinorrhoea), a fever or generalised malaise, explains Nichols. “While the common cold can affect all population groups, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence report this to be far higher amongst children, who experience an average of five to eight colds per year.” Nichols continues: “Adults who have regular contact with children are also seen to have colds more frequently.” He says children are especially important in the transmission, acting as reservoirs for the infection as they have fewer antibodies and a more immature immune system, making them more susceptible to the common cold. “Direct contact with the skin or hand contact with an infected object are key ways the virus is transmitted,” notes Nichols. “Which explains why numbers seen amongst children are higher, as they are more likely to have close contact with each other in nursery and school.” While there is no cure for the common cold, he says prevention remains crucial in order to protect ourselves from illness. Here are some top tips to reduce the chances of catching a cold… Adopt good hygiene measures Basic good hygiene measures are an important way of reducing the transmission of viruses, says Nichols. Wash hands frequently with warm soap and water if you (or the kids) have symptoms, or have come into close contact with someone who has symptoms. He says to avoid sharing items within households, such as towels, can also help. Get into a physical exercise routine Ensuring regular physical exercise is important because it has been shown to reduce the chances of people developing viral illnesses such as the common cold, advises Nichols. “Exercise plays an important role in boosting immunity by increasing the circulation of some important immune cells, which fight against infection,” says Nichols. “It also plays a key role in helping to reduce stress and the release of stress-related hormones within the body, which has an important impact.” Eat healthy foods to maximise your wellbeing “Eating well will help support a good functioning immune system,” says Dr Emeka Okorocha, medical doctor and TV personality. “The body needs a range of nutrients and vitamins to stay strong and healthy, and prevent the development of disease.” He highlights the following vitamins… “Vitamin A, which is converted from beta carotene found in vegetables such as sweet potatoes and beetroots, is very good for helping support the mucosal lining in your nose and lungs – and helps defend against infection. “Vitamin C has always been considered a good preventative vitamin from catching colds, this can be found naturally in fruits like strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries – and in leafy vegetables like spinach as well as broccoli, peppers and peas. “Vitamin D that many of us get from natural sunlight is also ideal for overall health – and studies have shown that people lacking in vitamin D are more likely to succumb to infection.” In winter months, when there are lower levels of natural sunlight, he says you can obtain vitamin D from foods such as salmon, mackerel, eggs, and mushrooms. Berries are very beneficial Okorocha continues: “I love fresh berries – strawberries, raspberries and blueberries, for example, are high in antioxidants and contain lots of vitamin C, which helps our bodies to produce antibodies that keep us from getting sick. “Berries are also high in flavonoids which help protect cells in our immune system by promoting activation and secretory processes within cells.” He says studies have indicated that regularly eating fruits such as blueberries may decrease your likelihood of catching a cold. Get adequate rest and sleep Ensuring you’re getting adequate amounts of rest and sleep is crucial in helping to reduce your risk of becoming unwell, urges Nichols. “A healthy adult needs between seven to nine hours of sleep per night, with children requiring longer,” says Nichols. “Sleep quality has been shown to be an important predictor of immunity, with those regularly sleeping under the recommended amounts more likely to develop a cold. “Improving your sleeping pattern is therefore an important way to reduce the chances of becoming unwell.” Read More Former royal chef explains why Prince William and Kate’s children don’t eat with them ‘You think it’s going to be a money making machine’: How modern life killed the hobby People defend bride after father-in-law explains why he left wedding early 4 hacks to get teens off the sofa and get active – as study warns of heart damage Elle King opens up about her ‘deep depression’ amid two-year postpartum journey BBC Radio 2’s Tony Blackburn reveals he had sepsis and pneumonia in health update
2023-08-25 15:52
What is Stockholm syndrome? It all started with a bank robbery 50 years ago
This week marks 50 years since a failed bank robbery that gave rise to Stockholm syndrome, a term used to describe the bond that victims of kidnappings or hostage situations sometimes develop with their captors
2023-08-25 12:53
One image, one face, one American moment: The Donald Trump mug shot
A camera clicks
2023-08-25 09:55
São Paulo's micro-houses keeping homeless families off the streets
The city of São Paulo has come up with a new idea to try to solve its housing crisis.
2023-08-25 08:49
The 25 Highest Grossing Movies of the 1980s
The decade of excess was all about blockbusters like 'Top Gun' and franchises like 'Star Wars' and 'Indiana Jones.' Which sounds familiar.
2023-08-25 06:22
Flooding fills tunnels leading to Detroit airport, forces water rescues in Ohio and Las Vegas
Heavy rain has flooded an Ohio highway where people were rescued from their cars, covered the Las Vegas strip with water and closed a busy airport terminal outside Detroit
2023-08-25 03:20