Weak currencies force up cost of living in Sub-Saharan Africa
As the price of basics soars, African governments are intervening to support local currencies.
2023-11-15 08:54

Kenya cyber-attack: Why is eCitizen down?
A key government online platform has been down for several days and mobile money services are also affected.
2023-07-28 23:26

Louisiana juveniles are suffering dangerous heat and isolation in an old death row facility built for adults, a lawsuit states. Experts say the harm could be irreversible
Children in the custody of Louisiana's Office of Juvenile Justice being held in a former death row building at an adult prison are suffering dangerous heat conditions and routine isolation in their cells that experts say could cause serious and irreversible harm, according to a federal court filing Monday.
2023-07-20 17:58

Sao Tome and Principe country profile
Provides an overview of Sao Tome and Principe, including key facts about this African island state.
2023-07-20 00:29